[youtube]http://youtu.be/yBxOy9daOuQ[/youtube] October is National Disability Awareness month. What can you do?
Author Archive | Renee Davies
Qatar and Global Disability Movement Shine at London Paralympics
From Ability Magazine Mr. Hassan Ali Bin Ali discusses “One Billion Strong” with HRH Prince William and Dutchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. At the 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Hassan Ali Bin Ali, Chairman of Qatar’s state-of-the-art Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs, and a member of the Honorary Board of the International Paralympic […]
President Obama Engages with Youth with Disabilities {video}
As President Obama has so often said, change in America happens from the bottom up. It happens when people organize, speak out, and have a seat at the table. Recently, President Obama met with some youth with disabilities. He wanted to hear their thoughts about the future of disability policy. So, he sat down with […]
Census Bureau Releases Updated Disability Statistics
Census Bureau Releases Updated Disability Statistics The U.S. Census Bureau has released updated statistics on the population of people with disabilities in theU.S.According to the new figures, 56.7 Americans (18.7% of the population) have some type of disability. Of this number, an estimated 38.3 million (12.6%) have a disability characterized as “severe.” The findings, which […]
Lamoille Valley Career & Job Fair
Green Mountain Technology and Career Center, Hyde Park Open to the Public! Thursday, September 20, 2012 9:30a.m-2:30p.m Job Fair Preparation workshops will be held in advance. Call 888-1312 for information and to sign up. Workshops also open to the public! Sponsored by: VSAC, Voc Rehab VT, VDOL, VABIR & CWS The dates of the […]
GCEPD award winner Chris Loso video
http://blip.tv/walking-through-life/chris-loso-6193243 Check out the video from the awards ceremony

Putting Disabilities to Work
Great ideas do not originate with a specific race, gender, color, creed…
Community Food Drive
On October 22nd over 100 “witches” gathered and collected food…

Health Care Disparities for Disabled
People with disabilities face lack of access to facilities, services…
Career Exploration
Have you ever had a certain impression about what a certain field of work was like…