The Austin Harmony Project provides special needs citizens the opportunity to be involved in the arts. Harmony utilizes the arts as a natural means to positively stimulate and celebrate life, while giving each participant a deserved sense of well-being.
Author Archive | Renee Davies

Welcoming Children with Autism on Your Playground
Simple planning tips to help accommodate children with autistic disorders…
St Johnsbury Job Club/For Hire
Meets Every Tuesday (contact Gary for time and location) Contact Gary Chester 751-2646,
St Albans Job Start
Meets every Wednesday 10-12 Contact Beth Stanuch 527-4210,
Morrisville Job Club
For reach Up Consumers Mondays 9-11 at VDOL conference room Contact Erin Guyette: 888-1312,
Morrisville Job Club/Career Exploration Workshop
For VR consumers Tuesdays from 9-12 at Professional Drive location Contact: Michelle Legere , 888-0543, or Christin Wingfield, 888-2543,
Brattleboro VABIR/VR Information & Orientation Meeting
Every Wednesday @ 9: Contact Ben Coplan for more information: 251-2141
Brattleboro Job Start
Every Tuesday 11-12 Contact Ben Coplan 334-4813
St Johnsbury Offender Employment Group
Every Wednsday at the Community High School Contact Julie Brisson fro more information VABIR Offender Reentry Specialist 802-343-8428
VABIR and VocRehab client gives back to the community
Mike Fairbanks (left), Melissa Mahoney-Carvey and Steve Mestyan pose behind a free food stand set up at the Asa Bloomer State Office Building in Rutland. The stand is part of The Garden Project — a collaborative effort between a variety of groups to bring free fresh food to people in the Rutland area. Fairbanks […]