June 3rd. 11:00 AM

June 3rd. 11:00 AM
JUNE 4 | 11:00AM Hear from local employers about career opportunities in the St. Johnsbury-area READ MORE AND REGISTER IN-ADVANCE AT LABOR.VERMONT.GOV/JOBS
Some of the Bennington VABIR staff toured several departments within Southern VT Medical Center today. They offer career pathways for staff and they’re very interested in progressive employment as well. Thanks to Tiffany Tobin from SVMC for leading the tour today. Here’s a picture of some of us in their kitchen.
Thursday, March 26, 2020 Students admission: 9:00 am – 11:30am Public admission: 12:30 – 3:00 pm Located at St. Albans City Hall FREE ADMISSION Access to students and adults seeking career opportunities. Business exposure to the local community. Demonstrate exciting future employment opportunities to seekers in our region. Vendors are invited to feature general information, […]
Krissy Kayser, VABIR presenting Michael Bruno of Windham Antiques Center with an Outstanding Professional Organization Award for the great support they gave our consumer during her progressive employment and ultimate hiring and training
Rutland area’s BAM team toured Casella Zero-Sort Recycling Facility in Rutland in November. Casella won a spirit of ADA award last year.
Careers Using Technology: An Employer Panel Join us for an exciting panel of representatives from the following professions: Graphic Arts, Information Technology, Healthcare, Construction Design & Architecture, Telecommunications & Other Fields! Wednesday, November 13th, 10:00 to 11:30am @ River Arts in Morrisville, 74 Pleasant St. For more information, please contact: […]
Here is Jennifer Parker Williams presenting the ADA award to Carolyn Tourville, owner of Willow Farm Pet Services and Store in Springfield, VT for her extraordinary support of our trainee in learning to become a Groomer (Progressive Employment to Hire!) Carolyn spoke to the audience about how much she values VABIR services and is extremely […]
Dave Bishop, Manager of Price Chopper in West Rutland. Dave, is highly supportive of employing people with disabilities and he opened his business doors to an in school youth who was in need of one-on-one support from a job coach or Para educator. Dave Bishop set a goal of creating a work experience that would […]