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Author Archive | Renee Davies

Autism Screening

Autism Screening Tops Obama’s Medical To-Do List Autism tops Barack Obama’s medical to-do list, according to the new president’s website. launched at 12:01 pm yesterday, even before the new president had taken his oath of office on the Capitol’s West Front. Autism is the only disorder or disease mentioned explicitly in Obama’s 24-point agenda. […]

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Adaptive Technology

Technology and disability may be linked, but technology doesn’t always catch up to the needs of people with disabilities. Cell phones are a great example. Manufacturers of these handy devices only recently added features that allow easier access to people with poor vision. What about MP3 players? None of them provide verbal cues for menu […]

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Recession’s Bite Hits Americans With Disabilities Extra Hard

Recession’s Bite Hits Americans With Disabilities Extra Hard They “tend to be the last hired and first fired,” says one advocate By Amanda Ruggeri Posted December 5, 2008 The recession’s crunch on jobs, wallets, and egos is hitting one group of Americans—those with disabilities—particularly hard. “People with disabilities tend to be the last hired and […]

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Disabled Veterans Inspired by Athletics

Disabled Veterans Inspired by Athletics New VA Pilot Program Encourages Disabled Army Veterans to Surf and Cycle By AUDREY GRAYSON ABC News Medical Unit Oct. 19, 2008 Army veteran Michael Fradera, 30, was the victim of an IED explosion that completely demolished the vehicle he was traveling in outside of Baghdad in August 2007. Fradera […]

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ADA Amendments Act 2008

Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act is Signed President Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008. The ADAAA ensures that the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act will once again be available to the many people with mental or phyical disabilities who need them. Enacted after lengthy negotiations, the ADAAA overturns […]

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What is the ADA?

What is the ADA? The ADA is a federal civil rights law that was passed in 1990 and went into effect beginning in 1992. Its purpose is to protect people with disabilities from discrimination in employment (Title I), in the programs and activities offered by state and local governments (Title II), and in accessing the […]

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