OCTOBER 10, 2019 3:00 PM-6:00 PM FIRESIDE INN & SUITES 25 Airport Road, West Lebanon, NH 03784 https://soundcloud.com/the-river-82559945/creative-workforce-job-fair-interview

OCTOBER 10, 2019 3:00 PM-6:00 PM FIRESIDE INN & SUITES 25 Airport Road, West Lebanon, NH 03784 https://soundcloud.com/the-river-82559945/creative-workforce-job-fair-interview
Eight of our transition-age students from WRJ, Springfield, and Brattleboro participated in a half-day Career Event at Hypertherm in Lebanon, NH on July 23rd. which included tours of departments, hands-on activities, seminars on career opportunities and company history and benefits, and even hands-on plasma cutting! Of course, that was everyone’s favorite part (including chaperones ? […]
The Project SEARCH Transition Program is a unique, business led, one-year school-to-work program that takes place entirely at the workplace. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and hands-on training through worksite rotations. The primary goal of the program is for each young adult to build skills that will lead […]
On Thursday, June 6th, the 2019 graduating class of Leadership Southeast Vermont (LSEVT) attended their Commencement Ceremony at The Hartness House in Springfield. Eleven participants received their completion certificates, the culmination of ten months of education, collaboration, and community impact work. VABIR is very proud of Jennifer’s accomplishment.
Breaking in to the lucrative outdoor industry Panel discussion highlights careers in outdoor sector • By Caleigh Cross | Stowe Reporter Pam Jaspersohn, who teaches at Craftsbury Outdoor Center, speaks about finding full-time employment in the outdoor sector at a Career Pathways panel discussion at River Arts in Morrisville. Students from four schools attended. Photo […]
VABIR’s Tiffany Reilly and Matt Wright during a Shining Success presentation at Springfield High School. Shining Success’s mission is to provide professional guidance and inspiration to those seeking economic independence-helping students create a positive first impression.
Kris Bascue, VABIR Business Account Manager, CWS. PSA for the transition fair.
Amanda Moore, VABIR Business Account Manager & President of the Chamber, got the opportunity to sit at the head table with the Governor to discuss all the great workforce development initiatives going on around the state! L-R: Amanda Moore, Caitlin Christiana (Chamber Executive Director) and Governor Scott.
Thursday, March 28, 2019 Students admission: 9:00 am – 11:30 am Public admission: 12:30 – 3:00 pm NEW LOCATION! St. Albans City Hall FREE ADMISSION Access to students and adults seeking career opportunities. Business exposure to the local community. Demonstrate exciting future employment opportunities to seekers in our region. Vendors are invited to feature general […]
Looking for Employees to Join Your Team? Tight Labor Market a Challenge? Look no further than the 10th Annual Central Vermont Job Fair Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 10:00 – 4:00 Barre City Auditorium 16 Auditorium Hill, Barre, VT 05641 http://www.centralvtjobfair.com