April 10th. 2-5 Riverside Middle School

April 10th. 2-5 Riverside Middle School
The business account managers across the state visited Hypertherm Inc and learned about the innovative PlasMAX plasma cutting process and the amazing ways this organization supports their workforce. They even got to do a bit of cutting during the tour.
VABIR Sr Employment Consultant, Jennifer Parker Williams, attending Leadership Southeastern Vermont. Tonight was Communication and Media night where she got to try out taping a media segment at Brattleboro Community TV.
Left to right: Matt Trieber, VR Associate Counselor; Donna Curtain, Jennifer Parker Williams; Stacy Allen, Allen Brothers HR Manager; Muzzey Twins
October 11, 2018 From left, Gifford President and CEO Dan Bennett, Human Resources Recruiter Angela Allard, Chef William “Bill” Koucky, Environmental Services Manager Ruthie Adams, and Nat Piper of Creative Workforce Solutions. The Governor’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities (GCEPD) presented Gifford Health Care with a 2018 Spirit of the ADA (Americans […]
While giving out our Quarterly award to Ethan Allen the HR Director( Amy Bergeron) was asked by the media why do you work with CWS she said look around see all these people here, that’s why. We figured that around 35 consumers have come from our CWS team and became employees of Ethan Allen since […]
Vermont Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve announces 2018 annual award recipients Vermont Business Magazine Vermont Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve has announced its 2018 award recipients for service and support to Vermont’s Guard and Reserve members. At their annual banquet held recently in South Burlington, Vt., ESGR recognized over 40 […]
This was the Second Annual CWS Sponsored Employer/ Student Breakfast held at the Grace Church in Canaan Vermont it happens so that the Canaan Vermont High School Students can sit down at a breakfast with numerous employers and ask what it will take to not only get a job from there place of employment but […]
All Workforce Matters, where we presented Sports in Action Photos a plaque and recognized her for her work with the JOBS program and progressive employment. https://vp.telvue.com/preview?id=T00969&video=333682 link to video
Burlington CWS employer panel April 12th,2018. They shared their industry knowledge, career pathways and current needs with the CWS team. From left Hotel Vermont- Amy Shea Agency of Transportation VTrans- David Blackmore City of Burlington-Marty Hornick Gardeners Supply-Susan Elliot Wild Root Farm- Jon Turner Arbortek- Scot Walters