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“I Can” Public Service Annnouncment

In support of the What Can YOU Do? outreach effort, the Campaign for Disability Employment is pleased to present the Campaign for Disability Employment’s “I Can” public service announcement (PSA). This flagship PSA was produced specifically for the What Can YOU Do? Campaign. It features seven real people – not actors – with hidden and […]

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NEK, 2010 Outstanding Employer and Community Partner Award Recipients

March 18, 2010 Creative Workforce Solutions and the members of the Northeast Kingdom Job Coalition wish to formally thank the following businesses for supporting people with diverse abilities seeking employment and community inclusion. The following business’s has demonstrated a commitment to diversity in the workplace and to providing opportunities for individuals to succeed in our […]

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Researchers find early autism signs in some kids (Science News)

Researchers find early autism signs in some kids Certain symptoms can identify 14-month-olds who will develop the condition by age 3 By Bruce Bower Web edition : Friday, March 12th, 2010 BALTIMORE—Some infants headed for a diagnosis of autism, or autism spectrum disorder as it’s officially known, can be reliably identified at 14 months old […]

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News and Resources for Veterans with PTSD

by Dan Lawton DisaboomAs the war in Iraq winds down and the conflict in Afghanistan expands, U.S. forces are continuing to experience record cases of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).Recent statistics show that more than 90,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have been diagnosed with PTSD, a figure that accounts for approximately 23 percent of those who seek care with […]

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SSDI/SSI Employment Supports

by Kim Donahue, Disaboom. Ticket to Work Program SSDI and SSI The Ticket to Work Program is an innovative program from the Social Security Administration for individuals with disabilities who want to work. It increases your choices in obtaining the employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other support services you may need to get or […]

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Untapped Talent: Job Seekers With Disabilities

Finding and retaining dedicated, hardworking employees is a top concern for all employers, regardless of size or industry. Yet, a significant source of skilled, reliable employees remains largely untapped: people with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities possess many unique attributes, most markedly the flexibility to adapt to different situations and changing circumstances. Perhaps more than any […]

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H1N1 Information from the White House From the White House (10/15/09): H1N1 Information Please circulate widely to friends, family members, co-workers, members of your organizations, etc. As we enter flu season this fall, here are some important resources to help protect your families and communities from the 2009 H1N1 virus. This new virus is affecting […]

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Informational Interview Preparation for Disability Jobs

Correctly done, informational interviews can give you valuable information to use in your next job search and leave a good impression on your interviewee. This turnabout on the traditional interview process has you, the student and/or job seeker, posing questions to someone on the corporate ladder in your chosen field to gather information. What is […]

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