D & E = Diagnosis and Evaluation: Comprehensive test consisting of a psychological exam, a social evaluation/history, a medical history and a cursory exam, and an educational evaluation. Often a prerequisite to obtaining a variety of services. [ARCDallas]
DAD (or DA&D) = Department of Aging and Disabilities, a department that was merged into the Department of Disability, Aging & Independent Living (DAIL) (see below).
DAIL = Department of Disability, Aging & Independent Living – DAIL provides a variety of services to Vermonters who are over the age of 60 or who have a disability. Within the Department, there are four divisions, each responsible for different areas of service:
Also the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services is located under the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) serves individuals with hearing loss to ensure they have equal access to the services of all departments, divisions and programs within the Agency of Human Services (AHS). In addition, since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Department has played a leading role in ensuring that the State of Vermont achieves compliance with the Act, providing technical assistance, training, and written materials to assist state government and private sector in understanding and meeting the goals of the law. [SOV]
DD Council/DDC = Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council [SOV]
DDMHS = Department of Developmental and Mental Health Services (see below).
DDS = Disability Determination Services = The Office of Disability Determination Services (DDS) serves Vermonters who apply for disability benefits under the Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Medicaid programs. The mission of DDS is to provide applicants with accurate decisions as quickly as possible, as governed by Social Security federal statutes, regulations, and policy, with full and fair consideration of each applicant’s situation and respect and concern for the individual’s well-being and legal rights. (SOV)
DHHS = U. S. Department of Health and Human Services [Snelling Center]
DHMC = Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center [Snelling Center]
DLP = Disability Law Project [Snelling Center]
DME = durable medical equipment [Snelling Center]
DOC = Department of Corrections [VCDR]
DOE = Department of Education [VCDR]
DOL = Department of Labor; may mean either the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) of the Vermont Department of Labor (VTDOL).
DOT = U. S. Department of Transportation [Snelling Center]
DS = developmental services (includes mental retardation and pervasive developmental disabilities) [Snelling Center]
DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Version IV
DVOP (often pronounced “DEE-vop”] = Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program specialist…. [TRC] In Vermont, DVOPs are located in the Department of Labor (DoL) local offices.
E & D Transportation Program = Elderly & Disabled Transportation Program [VCDR]
EBD = emotional behavioral disabilities
ECI = Early Childhood Intervention: Birth to three program for children who are developmentally delayed or “at risk” for developmental delay.
ECT = electroconvulsive therapy (“shock treatment”). [Snelling Center]
EEG = electroencephalogram [Snelling Center]
EKG = electrocardiogram [Snelling Center]
EMS = emergency medical services [Snelling Center]
EN = Employment Network – Any agency or instrumentality of a state (or political subdivision), or a private entity that takes responsibility for the actual delivery of services or the coordination/referral of services is eligible to apply to be an Employment Network (EN). Employment Networks can be a single entity, a partnership or alliance of entities (public and/or private), or a consortium of organizations collaborating to combine resources to serve Ticket-holders. [Source: http://www.yourtickettowork.com/program_info?select=who-en#who-en%5D
EOE = Equal Opportunity Employment: a legal term and federal requirement that employer’s not discriminate because of factors unrelated to job qualifications including race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. [NSIP]
ESRD = end-stage renal disease [Snelling Center]
ETA = The Employment and Training Administration, a division of the US Department of Labor (USDOLETA). [TRC]
ETS = employment training specialist; in the DVR Manual, known as “tutor-trainer” – “means a person who assists or teaches another person employment skills such as writing a resume, filing a job application, proper conduct at a job interview, job placement, learning a job, etc.” [DVR Manual]
EYS = Extended Year Services: “Summer school” required if it can be shown that a child will regress without schooling during the summer. [ARCDallas]
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